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What is THE best way to market my practice? I am constantly being asked, "What is THE best way to market my practice?" Alas, as much as I would love to give a concrete answer to that question, it is impossible. No one-size-fits-all formula works. The marketing venues you choose are best determined by your target market(s). The trick to marketing success is determining what is important to your potential clients and informing them how you can meet their needs and goals. Of course, some activities tend to be more effective than others. Setting the Stage Marketing techniques can be divided into four major acts: promotion, advertising, community relations and publicity. Promotion involves the activities and materials you produce to gain visibility. The money invested is indirect (e.g., it costs money to print business cards; it does not cost anything to distribute them) and the activities are often free of cost. Publicity is notoriety given you or your business, usually for an event you have done or are about to do. Advertising differs from publicity and promotions in that you must pay directly for your exposure such as a radio spot, a display ad in a magazine, or a billboard. Community relations are goodwill activities you do to create a positive public image for you and your business. Successful practitioners include a good mix of promotion, advertising, publicity and community relations in their marketing plans. The methods available for marketing your practice are vast. You do not have to go the traditional route, and it is unnecessary to spend a lot of money (although it is so easy to do). The crucial factor for selecting a marketing venue is: Does it appeal to your target market? Many years ago I heard a speaker talk about how we must learn to broadcast on station WIIFM (What's In It For Me?). hiiitiier This is particularly true in marketing. Your marketing endeavors need to convey to the recipients exactly how you can help them. Promotional Tricks Promotion is the most popular form of marketing for massage therapists, mainly due to the low cost and easy implementation. Some of the most effective promotional techniques are: networking; holding open houses, presenting workshops and demonstrations; writing articles about your services or general well-being for local newspapers, magazines and newsletters; having booths at community events, health expos and state fairs; sending direct mail pieces and newsletters; providing your services at conventions, store openings, sporting events and at malls during the holidays; obtaining referrals; offering specials and incentives; wearing
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apparel; and having professional brochures and business cards. Personalized items such as pens embossed with your name and logo also fall under the category of promotion, even though they are commonly referred to as specialty advertising. In this article we explore several of these promotional techniques. Ultimately there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to making the choice of staying on the path or changing paths. The only true factor is the best decision for you in terms of your overall needs, wants, and goals. Keep in mind that bigger is not always better. Also you don't have to pursue each of your talents or abilities. Note that it is not always easy to see all of your options the proverbial trees from the forest so you might consider working this process with a colleague, counselor or coach. Ultimately, there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to making a choice to stay on a path or change. The only true factor is what is the best decision for you in terms of your overall needs, wants and goals. Keep in mind that bigger is not always better. Also you don't have to pursue each of your talents or abilities. Note that it is not always easy to see all your options by yourself, as in telling the proverbisal tres from the forest. You might consider working on this process with a colleague, counselor, or coach.
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